What are the 5 most important criteria when determining the drinking water quality in water storage tanks?

26 Jul

What are the 5 most important criteria when determining the drinking water quality in water storage tanks?
Water tanks can be used in many areas today. It can be used for many simple and non-simple purposes, from industrial areas to our homes. This usage is not limited to our country. They are used in many areas from African countries where water is valuable to Europe.

It is used in industry and agriculture for purposes such as spraying, irrigation, storage and transportation for the protection of the produced ingredients. In our homes, it can be used in processes such as septic tanks, rainwater collection systems, pickles, leaves or olive brine. Generally, plastic water tank models are used. Because it has the most economical price tag and is very advantageous. Its size range is between 50 liters and 25,000 liters, and it has designs that can adapt to every part of our homes. When we look at the general usage purposes, we see that they are tools that ensure that water is stored and preserved and used in times of need.

1.  What determines drinking water quality?

The water itself determines the quality of drinking water. Because nobody goes and drinks water from the sea. The water itself and the soil it combines either increase or decrease the quality of the water. Storage products have little effect on this. To give an example, when you put water in an iron container and let it wait, we will see that the taste of iron passes into the water. That's why tanks are mostly made of steel, not iron. Before these tanks were produced, such material problems were resolved within the scope of P&D studies.

2.  Does the size of the tank affect the quality of the water?

Perhaps the last thing that can affect the quality of the water is the size of the tank. Because dimensions are only a criterion for our needs. You can choose a size according to your needs and purchase that tank. This in no way determines the quality of the water in the tank. However, water or content loss may occur as a result of perforations due to use. This is usually related to the location of the tank. As long as there is no outside intervention, it is close to impossible to pierce the tank.

3.   Do the sun rays affect the quality of the water?

Exposure to harmful sun rays is a factor that affects the quality of water. Therefore, all tanks are produced with UV stabilization. This situation comes from the materials of the tanks. It is UV stabilized because its materials are of high quality. In other words, they are materials that do not reflect harmful rays behind them. In the tanks produced using these materials, they do not receive harmful rays inside. In this way, a healthier environment for content is created. In addition to these, these tanks can be produced in any desired color. In this way, harmful radiation insulation is further strengthened.

4.   Does the material of the tank affect the quality of the water?

The material of storage products is another factor that directly affects the quality of water. Because if you keep the water in an iron tank as we mentioned above, the taste of iron will pass into the water. From this point of view, these tanks are produced from three different materials as polyethylene, polyester and stainless-steel tanks known as stainless water tanks. These materials are not materials that can affect water or any other content. All the problems at this stage have been resolved within the scope of P&D studies. That's why you can store your food, drinkable liquids, medicines, detergents and many more chemicals in these tanks.

5.  Do other parts of the tank affect the quality of the water?

A tank is delivered a whole with the auxiliary materials used. So, it can affect the quality of the water. Especially when designing polyethylene tanks, it is aimed to reach the highest level of food compatibility. Because the neck design of these tanks makes cleaning easier. While the cover part is produced from polyethylene, brass sleeve is used in the sleeve part. Both substances are not harmful to health. Because currently, polyethylene has food compatibility accepted by international food organizations. Therefore, polyethylene serves as a material for many food contact products. Another option is stainless steel. We all know the corrosive power of water. But this strength cannot stand against stainless steel. Therefore, substances such as medicine, chocolate, glucose, glycerin are generally stored in these tanks. Because these tanks cool quickly and heat up quickly. Working temperature values ​​are also quite high, namely +80 degrees.
In this article, we talked about five criteria that determine the quality of tanks in general, but there are many more factors that determine the quality of these tanks. Some of these factors are the increase in material thickness as the dimensions of polyethylene tanks increase. Another is the addition of stairs to the tank design as the sizes of stainless tanks increase. In addition, all designs of stainless tanks have feet, which increases sterilization. You can contact our customer representatives to find the perfect tank that is suitable for you and to clear the question marks in your mind.

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