Collect your own water with Rain Water Tanks
Climate changes caused by global warming is affecting the world more deeply day by day especially in terms of reaching clean water. Climate scientists agree on the phenomenon of global warming today. It is stressed that 85 percent of the world population is negatively affected by climate changes. One of the most important results of this negative situation is breaking rain balance completely on the world as a result of global warming. While there is extreme rains in some areas, a long-term arid climate zone started to be dominant in some other areas. Water run out together with aridness and it became extremely difficult to reach clean water sources.
Water resources are decreasing day by day. Humankind must take responsible precautions. Rainwater harvesting storage tanks is key role of for the solution of the Drought. It becomes extremely easy to collect water during the rainy weather. With rainwater harvesting tank models, you can store rainwater easily and practically in every area.

What is rainwater harvesting, how does water tank operate in the system?
Rainwater harvesting is the name given to the system collecting water during rain with connections attached on the valleys of all types of buildings such as home and school. One of the most significant parts of this system is the storage tanks known as rainwater harvesting tanks. The water collected in the gutters during the rain follows to the rainwater harvesting tank for water storage. When this tank is full, water is easily discharge from the tank with a pipe.
Stored water is used in many different areas such as garden watering and mainly domestic uses. With this innovative harvesting system, rainwaters running and flowing is collected and a free of charge use is provided. It both prevents streets getting dirty when rainwater runs and ensures water saving by reducing clean water consumption from central water mains. From an economic perspective, rainwater harvesting tank prices offer an affordable price. while using the rainwater storage for daily water consumption, water expenses will decline.
Rainwater harvesting Tank Solutions from 5 Tons To 100 Tons
Karmod has been the leading brand in water tank production since 1986. Experience of these years in sector contribute to modern production techniques and offers solution for rainwater harvesting tank models with a capacity from 5 tons to 100 tons. Karmod produces rainwater harvesting tanks in two different raw material. Firstly, Plastic rainwater harvesting tanks produce in standard sizes from 5,000 liters to 25,000 liters. Another important storage model is our storage tanks known as polyester water tanks. Many models from 5 tons to 100 tons are produced in these tanks. As in all productions of Karmod, it has the advantages of being durable and dependable in the production of rainwater harvesting tanks. Also, with our underground storage feature, it provides extra convenience for rainwater collection.
Why should I buy Rainwater harvesting tank?
As we mentioned, global climate changes will impact more as years go by. Access to clean water resources will become more difficult. So that, storage of water will become much more important. That is why rainwater harvesting tank will soon become a particularly useful tool that we will need the most. Rainwater harvesting tanks will give us great advantages in the near future high possible drought and water restrictions. With rainwater system, we will be able to reach our water without being affect by the drought period by storing clean water. While considering the rainwater harvesting tank prices it is necessary to consider the savings and benefits that will provide long term years. When the practical rainwater harvesting tank is activated, it will allow you to save money on water bills.
Where and what purposes of rainwater harvesting tanks are use?
Rainwater harvesting tanks have a practical systems that can be used in various areas such as separate houses, mass housing sites, schools and hospitals, hotels and social facilities. We recommend you to obtain information for projects and price of rainwater harvesting system special for your home or business. Rainwater collected in the tank can basically be used in domestic use and for purposes such as watering and car washing. Through water treatment system to be integrated to the collection system, it can also be turned to a form to be used in cooking and drinking. The system can easily be turned into a clean water source.
Which Model Tank Should Be choose for Rainwater Harvesting?
It will be more appropriate toe prefer underground storage tanks for storing water to be collected from rainwater harvesting. It will ease both collecting water and collected water to remain very cool. In uses on the ground, rainwater storage tanks are purchased in black or dark blue color and it will be possible to maintain water healthier without being affected from external factors. In addition, the sizes of rainwater harvesting tanks should be priority according to your preferences. According to the location of the rainwater harvesting tank you will buy, the products with the most suitable dimensions should be preferred.
What is the Rainwater harvesting Tank Price?
A large rainwater harvesting tank for domestic use can be expensive. However, the price of rainwater harvesting tank can be made very economical with a special size tank for individual use. As a result, water collected by the system, is free of charge. This system ensuring a full saving from water bills, should absolutely be taken into account. You can live happiness of using water free of charge without being affected from mains water prices.
How rainwater tank is calculated?
It is calculated that a person consumes 150 liters water in average daily. A family of four need water around 600 liters daily. It makes 220 thousand liters water annually. It is a fact that you will not need water in rainwater harvesting tank every day. It is recommended to buy a storage tank, especially by considering the hot and dry weather seasons of the year. Depending on your budget, a 10-ton to 20-ton rainwater harvesting tank can be preferable. Making a rainwater tank project will make your investment option easier based on capacity for businesses such as hotels and social facilities.
Is it health to drink rainwater?
As we mentioned above, the rainwater harvesting system should be evaluated. Rainwater harvesting tank models are an important part of this system. When the water treatment system is connected, the collected water becomes safe for drinking water as well. Drinking collected rainwater from its source without filtering, is not recommended due to pollutants in the air and pollutions in its collection conditions. Except this, direct use will not cause a problem for uses such as cleaning and watering.