Important Information About Stainless Steel Water Tanks

06 May

Water tanks are almost everywhere in our lives today, used not only for storing water but also for milk, fruit juice, chocolate, chemicals, acids, glucose, diesel, and various other materials.

When it comes to stainless steel water tanks, they are the first choice that comes to mind for food and chemical storage. These water tanks are produced using steel-chrome-nickel AISI 304 steels. During the production of these tanks, various points are joined and welded together. These processes are carried out with welding using argon gas. After these processes are completed, the stainless-steel water tanks undergo a series of durability tests. Once these tests are passed, the tanks are ready for use by customers.

Stainless steel water tanks can also be installed in hard-to-reach areas. Additionally, these tanks do not receive direct sunlight. They also do not experience the formation of parasites like algae, mold, and fungi inside them. This ensures that the taste or smell of the stored liquid or food remains unchanged, creating a healthier environment for the contents.

What You Should Know About Stainless Steel Water Tank Designs

Stainless steel water tank designs make these tanks more practical. Three different designs are used: vertical, horizontal, and prismatic.

Let's take a closer look at vertical design tanks. These tanks start with a capacity of 500 liters and can go up to 30,000 liters. When these tanks reach a capacity of 15,000 liters or more, it may be difficult to reach the top. For this reason, a ladder is added to these tanks for easier access. Additionally, stainless steel water tanks with this design have legs to prevent contact with the ground.

The next design is the horizontal stainless steel water tank. The horizontal design allows these tanks to be stacked side by side. They are also highly suitable for corporate use and can be used on conveyor belts in production facilities. These tanks come in models starting at 500 liters and can go up to 30,000 liters. Like vertical tanks, these tanks also have legs to prevent contact with the ground.

Finally, let's talk about prismatic stainless steel water tanks. These tanks resemble horizontal tanks but have sharper lines and a design that extends upward. In large tanks with a capacity of 8,000 liters or more, a ladder is added because reaching the top can be difficult. These tanks can vary significantly in size, with capacities starting at 1,000 liters and going up to 100,000 liters. They are ideal for customers who need a large tank.

In addition to stainless steel water tanks, there are also water tanks produced using various other raw materials. One of these tanks is the polyester water tank, which can also be installed on-site, much like stainless steel tanks. These tanks are available in eight different designs.

All stainless-steel water tanks can operate in temperatures ranging from -5 degrees to +80 degrees Celsius. However, if you are storing very hot material, it's recommended not to touch the tank after storage. The internal temperature will be reflected outside the tank. The material thickness typically ranges from 1.5 millimeters to 3 millimeters, with the thickness changing as the tank volume increases.

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